Hi, I'm

I am a user experience designer located in Belfast, Northern Ireland, specializing in crafting digital experiences that prioritize user needs.

Preferring minimalist style, I prioritize a research-driven approach to design.

I've had the chance to dive into all sorts of projects across different industries, which has really opened my eyes to the various challenges users deal with every day. When I start a project, I’m all about diving into research first. I dig deep to grasp the project’s vision and any potential hurdles. Then, it's all about understanding what users need through their insights. Once the research is in, it's design time! I kick things off by sketching and wireframing to cook up an initial solution. From there, I’m all about tweaking and adapting before jumping into the high-fidelity prototyping phase.

Have a look at some of my work

Project name : Nosis

ADHD confusion
Alright, so picture this: high school can be tough, right? Now, imagine dealing with ADHD on top of it all. Kids with ADHD face a bunch of hurdles in school. Staying focused in class? Not easy. They struggle with zoning out during lectures or getting distracted while trying to study. Then there's the whole impulse control thing – they might blurt out answers or have trouble sticking to deadlines. And don't even get me started on the social side. Making friends can be tricky when you're bouncing off the walls or struggling to keep up in conversations. It's a real challenge that needs some serious attention. Think of the teachers also I mean they have barely anytime to cater to all these kids with specific issues.


So, when I first tackled this problem, I knew I had to hear straight from the education pros themselves. Getting their insights was key to really getting what they were up against. After soaking in all that firsthand knowledge, I was ready to brainstorm some solutions. And of course, I had to scope out the competition too, seeing how users interacted with their stuff and spotting any similarities.


After that, I rolled up my sleeves and started sketching out some pages based on the user flow I had mapped out earlier. It was all built on the back of previous research, which really guided my decisions. I had to pick and choose between different elements for the pages, figuring out what was relevant. Once I was satisfied with the sketches, I moved on to wireframing, adding more meat to the bones. And when that felt right, it was time for the UI stage, sticking to the brand guidelines I'd set up for the project.

Click to see the deep dive into the project including all kinds of juicy research
Take me to notion


This project threw a bunch of little hurdles my way that I had to clear. One biggie? Access. Getting intel straight from the end users was like pulling teeth. But hey, it was crucial for the project. I mean, what's the point of building an app if it's not gonna hit the mark with the folks it's meant for, right? Even though it dragged things out and added some extra time to the mix, I managed to crack the code and get the info I needed to keep the project moving forward.


At its core, Nosis seeks to revolutionize the way high school students with ADHD engage with their studies. Recognizing the distinct learning styles and attention spans of these individuals, the app employs cutting-edge AI algorithms & proven focus techniques to provide tailored support and resources. Whether it’s adapting lesson plans to accommodate varied learning paces or offering interactive study aids, Nosis aims to create an inclusive educational environment that nurtures the strengths of every student.

Click for prototype